IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Rowan's Law, News, U5 Timbits, U5-U7 Programs, SMHA (King Township Minor Hockey)

News Article
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Organization | Aug 14, 2019 | Penny Ralph | 38839 views
In June of 2016 the Ontario Legislature passed Rowan's Law; this legislation is designed to protect amateur athletes and educate coaches about the dangers of head injuries.  This legislation is effective July, 1st 2019 and will impact all King Minor Hockey players, coaches and parents this season. The OHF requires all King Minor Hockey players, coaches and parents to verify they have received and reviewed the OHF Concussion Code of Conduct and the Concussion Awareness Resources provided by the Government of Ontario.  

Players, coaches and parents must commit to operating within the parameters of the OHF Concussion Code of Conduct.   

Click HERE for information on Rowan’s Law

After registering, you will receive an email from our Administrator or you may print the Acknowledgement Form below and forward Julie Kerr at
[email protected] so it can be added to your hockey profile.

Click HERE for the Rowan’s Law Acknowledgement Form

Please ensure you read all the information provided and complete the verification form. This form is required in order for all players and coaches to be rostered for this season. 

E-Booklet 10 and under - Click HERE

E-Booklet 11 – 14 - Click HERE

E-Booklet 15 and older - Click HERE

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