KTMH Rep Tryout Process Information, News (King Township Minor Hockey)

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Apr 09, 2017 | WebAdmin | 6124 views
KTMH Rep Tryout Process Information
Welcome to the inaugural season for King Township Minor Hockey. Here is a brief summary of what you can expect during the “A” Team Rep Tryouts. This will be a new process and new Teams for everyone involved. We appreciate that many Coaches and Players will not know each other – and many Coaches will be seeing a significant number of Players for the first time. For that reason, we have made every effort to design this Tryout process to provide a full and fair opportunity for all Players to demonstrate their abilities.

We are holding Tryouts over 4 days, April 22/23 & 29/30. The first weekend of Tryouts will be focused on assessing skills. The Association has hired outside instructors from Young Guns Hockey to run these skates. The 2nd weekend of Tryouts will include scrimmages and simulated game play. Each Player will be guaranteed a minimum of two skates.

An objective Player Evaluation Panel will play a key role during Tryouts and Panel results will be used to support and validate Coaching decisions. We are excited to have the OMHA take the lead on our Player Evaluation Panel. This Panel will include equal representation from both Associations. We have asked outgoing 2016-17 Coaches from both SMHA and NKMH to assess their Players from this year to assist in the evaluation process – which will provide new Coaches with another piece of information to help assess Player capabilities.

The Association has also retained an external goaltending specialist to help Coaches evaluate and rank goalies who are trying out.

Coaches will not be permitted to communicate results or make Player offers until their recommended selections have been reviewed and approved by the Evaluation Panel at the end of tryouts. In addition, Coaches will not be permitted to select their Bench Staff until after Players have been selected, and Bench Staff requests have been approved by the Board.

Players who are offered a Rep Team opportunity must sign the OMHA’s Offer of Commitment Letter when accepting their spot.

These tryouts are focused on selecting Players for our “A” level Teams. We will be using these “A” Tryouts to assess the viability of an “AE” team. Should there be strong numbers and the necessary skill at certain age levels, an additional “AE” level Rep team may be considered at a later date. If it is determined that we can support an additional Rep Team at a specific level; only players who attend these Tryouts and are not offered a spot on the “A” team will be considered for any possible “AE” opportunities that might later arise.


Registration for Tryouts will be online. See link below. This will be a separate Registration process for Tryouts only. Regular Registration for next year’s season will follow on May 1. Once you have registered your Player(s) for Tryouts, each Player will receive a confirmation email with their assigned Tryout Number. This number is important. Keep it private and do not lose it. This anonymous Tryout number is how Players will know if they have been invited to the second weekend of Tryouts via results posted on the website.

We have made every possible effort to schedule Tryouts around AAA and AA Tryouts for Associations in our immediate area. If a Player cannot make a particular Tryout date, it is their responsibility to advise the Coach in question so they are aware of the circumstances.

The Association has incurred significant cost in terms of retaining external instructors, evaluators and specialists to ensure that this process is as fair and objective as possible. To help support these new Tryout costs, a flat fee of $50 per Player will be charged to cover the entire Tryout process. Any Player interested in attending the Tryout session must be registered in advance and payment processed via the website.

To help provide as much information as possible, we will be holding a parent information session about the Tryouts in the coming days. Details are being finalized and will be posted on all Associations Website’s. We look forward to answering any questions you might have.