2017/18 Tyke Select Tryout (King Township Minor Hockey)

2017/18 Tyke Select Tryout
Complete the form below to register for Tyke Select Tryouts. There is no cost to tryout. You will receive an email after your submit the form which will have a confirmation number at the bottom. That is your unique tryout ID. Please note the ID number as it will be used to communicate the results of the tryout. Good Luck!

Player Information

Contact Information

I certify the information submitted on this registration form to be true and that I have become subject to the rules, regulations and decisions of Hockey Canada/OMHA and King Minor Hockey,  and I agree to abide by such rules, regulations and decisions of Hockey Canada/OMHA and King Minor Hockey.  I understand that the King Minor Hockey Association will not be held responsible for any injuries while participating in league activities.

Email Confirmation

Please provide an email address so we can send your tryout confirmation to. The submission number is your players tryout passport number. This number is used to advise if your player made the team in communications.