Dec 30, 2021 | WebAdmin | 988 views
Hockey Returns Sunday!
We hope everyone has had a relaxing holiday and are looking forward to getting back on the ice! Below are important updates and reminders to ensure we have a safe return!
Updated Protocols
We hope everyone has had a relaxing holiday and are looking forward to getting back on the ice! Below are important updates and reminders to ensure we have a safe return!
Updated Protocols
- King Township now requires use of the enhanced vaccine certificate with QR code for anyone 12+ and older entering a facility. The QR code can be printed or digital. If you have an approved medical exemption, be sure you have registered it with the province as no doctors note exemptions will be accepted at the door. You can download your enhanced vaccine certificate at
- In an effort to prevent the spread of infection across multiple teams, AP or non-rostered players are not allowed at practices or games at this time.
- Masks are to be worn at all times when inside any facility including when on the bench. Only those skating can remove their masks. Officials and Township Staff have been instructed to report any non-compliance and may result in disciplinary action.
- Dressing room behaviour is being closely scrutinized to ensure everyone is following proper protocols. Players and bench staff need to physically distance when possible and wear masks at all times except when on the ice. Also ensure only those necessary are in the change room (ie. 1 parent per child at ages where assistance is required).
- At this time, King Township has NOT changed any restrictions however many municipalities have including limiting spectators and time allowed prior to a game, etc. An updated list will be provided to Coaches however we encourage all families to visit destination municipality websites prior to away games for the most up to date information on screening and restrictions.
What happens when someone tests positive?
As we learned prior to the season pause, public health directives on close contact changes by the minute! We also saw multiple outbreaks across our King teams many of which were due to close contacts of siblings/family on other teams. As we start back, the following is a guide so we can minimize the spread and cancellation of hockey events and ensure everyone stays safe:
- If a player is not feeling well, they are NOT to attend any practice or game. Stay home until symptoms have passed.
- If a player tests positive for Covid-19, they must report it to their coach immediately.
- Coaches will report all cases to the Covid Response Team who will work with public health and OMHA.
- Public Health will issue letters to the associations to distribute to teams and affected close contacts. As of now, these letters may require isolation of the team for a period of time regardless of vaccination status. This may also impact opposing teams.
We are all excited for the return of hockey, but the continuation of the season depends on everyone following protocols and helping to minimize the spread of the virus. As always, we will update members on changes to restrictions or protocols as we receive them.
We wish everyone a Happy New Year and see you in the rinks!