Season Paused until Dec.23rd, News (King Township Minor Hockey)

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Dec 15, 2021 | WebAdmin | 1349 views
Season Paused until Dec.23rd
To all KTMH Families,

We would like to share some important information that was communicated to KTMH in the past 24 hours.  The province and public health units have updated their guidance relating to close contacts to a positive case.  As of now, any close contact "regardless of vaccination status" must isolate for 10 days.  This is a significant change due to the omicron variant.  This would result in affected families potentially isolating over the holidays.  

Effective midnight last night, YS made the difficult decision to temporarily pause all gameplay until December 23rd.  This decision affects all KTMH Rep programming at all age categories.

KTMH Covid Team met to discuss the impact to the remainder of our programming.  It has been decided effective immediately, it is in the best interest of families to pause all REP and LL hockey events including games, practices and clinics until December 23rd.  Julie is working to cancel all ice and will work towards rescheduling games in the new year.

Thank you for your understanding.